Friday, December 11, 2009

Finally i've reached the end

Taking English 102 for my first semester in college has taught me to use appropriate information for various topics. I have learned that all writings always require a direct audience. The author's mission should always be to persuade the reader(s) on a subject. In order to convince an audience there must be reasonable evidence that can support the purpose for the essay, using a suitable tone from the author. These qualities have helped me develop the four essay required this semester. Before taking this class my focus was to always collect information that I thought was appealing and writing about it without thinking about the rhetorical appeals. I have personaly gained a better authority for my writing projects.

Wednesday, December 9, 2009

English 102 research presentations

This weeks presentations have given me a lot of insight on problems that occur in our everyday lives. As GateWay students, we might be able to help spread the word on things like recycling, saving money on textbooks, effects of obesity, education for the future generations, etc. We could probably even start clubs for issues that effect people and develop small solutions for them. For Medinas presentation on recycling, I learned that there is such thing as an island made up of trash. I find this as a very sad issue because the poor animals surrounded by the trash are effected from this situation. I also find it intresting that I only seem to recycle when i'm on campus, I guess I feel like a RECYCLING officer is watching everything I dispose of into the trash.

Sunday, October 18, 2009

Robert who?

After having a class discussion on one of Robert Wilonsky's movie reviews I was curious and decided to google this genius. From my research I found a website,, and discovered that he has many reviews on all sorts of movies. He agrees with the "TOMATOMETER" 74% of the time. His publications are in Dallas Oberver, L.A. Weekly, New Times, and also Village Void. Although one website did say he use to be a high school cheerleader but who really knows? How does a cheerleader become a movie critic?

Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Another mother..

Finding a daycare for my child isn't very fun. The reason being is having to deal with finding one that meets your needs (location, cost, vibe, outcomes for child). For assignment #2, I look forward to educating my instructor who has a son that likes (BIG BIG SPIDERS) on child day care services. Although I am having trouble on starting my paper, I have gathered some good information on ebscohost, but I am unsure of what information qualifies as intresting and what maybe useful. I am sure parents just want the best for their children and the fear of what "news reports" have show may affect the trust towards child day care centers.

Tuesday, October 13, 2009


According to New Times movie reviews; A serious Man, has a similar resemblance to a jewish neighborhood the Coen Brothers grew up in. The movie has JEWISH characters and by that they mean "fat jews, aggressive jews, loser jews, emo jews, jews who slurp their chicken soup..." Conclusion: A Serious Man, movie that dumps on Jews and Judasim with ferocity.